By Ma RG Dec.2024
The “Chinese Dream” 2024 has often been defined as the Four Clean Points: First, a Strong (Nationalistic) China, second, a Civilized China, third, a Harmonious China, and finally, a Beautiful China. San Yet Sen is the founder of the Chinese “Huaqiao” Dream, as he traveled and spoke around the world. Today, Xi Ji Ping advocates the “Silk Road/Belt Initiative” in an extension of a Communist Ideology version dominant Dream.
What is the “American Dream” of 2024-2025? It is also defined in a Nationalistic yet Global influencing Dream. What defines healthy freedom, and healthy censorship goes back to the definition of what defines healthy or unhealthy Moral Values that guide us.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for “I Have a Dream”, that of true Christian values of equality and belonging for humanity. While Malcolm X is remembered for stepping out of a American based “Nation of Islam” Dream, into a more Pan-Islamic Dream after he visited Mecca.
Today Elon Musk speaks to the X Global Dream as a “Cultural” Christian, in his capitalist based, unlimited by funding, exploration of what is important to the future of our Nation beside Donald Trump, the incoming US President. The American Dream of “Making America Great Again” inferences it lost something that had made it Great Before, that needs “redeemed back” into the fabric of the Culture. What is it? Its the deep Moral Value of “Honor to the One True God of our History, Past, Present, and Future, making “God First”, remembering “God as Great Again” in our lives and decisions privately and corporately, in family and in community.
I was interestingly surprised to see even the infamous, atheist Dawkins now sheepishly calling himself a “Cultural” Christian as if was imposed against his will out of his control? Do men ever make moral value choices anymore, apart from culture, even to die for a belief? A Saudi Arabian doctor recently drove his car into a crowd of German families based on a statement of his belief he was willing to die for? Interestingly, Dr. Anthony Flew, who was known as the most notorious atheist in Oxford history, and mentor to Dawkins, dared to be much more than a “cultural” Christian, and was persecuted for becoming a “Real” Christian in his later years. Likewise, the former Turkish Muslim, turned UK Hyde Park and now Global evangelist, Sister Hatun has stepped over the line to being a “real” Christian, in the face of multiple threats to her life daily, she continues to share Jesus and the Loving Power of His Eternal Global, Pan Christian, Kingdom Dream! Her Dream is to see the End of a ungodly, violent Pan Islamic Jihadi Dreams, even the Almadayya “peace-cult” of Islam that rejects Jesus as “only fainting on the cross”, not dying
from the spear rammed into his lung, piercing his heart as he declared in his dying breath that “Paradise awaited those who had faith in him and God’s power to raise him from the dead”, as spoken in the ancient prophecy of Zechariah Chapters 9&10. 1
Sister Hatun discovered the real Jesus of the Bible, the Eternal Word of God made flesh, spoken of as the Kalimatu-allah or Word of God, the title given only to Jesus in the Quran.
The Quran says Jesus was unlike any other man or Prophet, because he alone is called “un-touched by Satan”, and sinless, born of a Virgin. His eternal pre-existance as the Word of God is spoken of by the prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Isaiah 9:6-9.
“Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and he shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Al-MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, Prince of Peace, .. His Kingdom has NO END…”
This Global Kingdom of God is submitted to willingly, and not imposed by force, and is without cohersion. In humility, Truth is a choice that brings for a Power to the Powerless that comes from God and not men. This kind of Power dissolves the Communism of the KGB “chekhist” forever, and any greed-lust driven capitalism false values, and therefore the Kingdom of God is manifest “on earth as it is in heaven” as real change happens inside out, and not the “face saving” mask of the outside lie in, the life or culture that never heals since unforgiving scars of the past always fester under the skin, personally and nationally.
Mohammad (pbuh) in his last Breath said “God forgive me, have Mercy on me, and contact me to the Most High Friend.” and then he died in the arms of Aisha according to Bukari. Earlier, he had said, “I seek to be closer to Jesus the son of Mary, than anyone else in heaven or earth.” Yes, Jesus was the Most High Friend, the Highest fulfillment of His Last Dream. This Last Breath and Dream abrogates all he said before…forever.
God revealed His Dreams in the Bible, yet are the Nations leaders willing to sacrifice all their hubris, all their smaller “dreams” to honor God’s higher Dreams? Many seek to impose a One World Government and Currency of Control, while God seeks people to seek Him in freedom and truth willingly. Only as we follow God’s “blueprint” can we be saved, our earth saved, our people healed and strong, our people more civil and caring, and justice in mercy, our nations more caring and harmonious, and our water, and air more clean and world more beautiful and discover Peace inside, and then outside, in Ukraine, in Israel, in Burma, and throughout the Arab and Western nations.
May God bless you all as we seek the True, One God and His Dreams in 2025